Saturday, October 1, 2011

What Christian values was the United States founded on?

Which Christian values was the United States founded on? Where are these values written into law? How are these values different from non-Christian values?|||The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.

--Treaty of Tripoli|||"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights..."

The Declaration of Independence established that men are given rights by God, not by a king or by the state. And it asserted that a government which did not protect those rights was illegitimate and that it was the right of the people to overthrow it.

Where else but in the bible is such a God taught? That He is a personal God, that he is good and gives grace and mercy to men? That all men...kings included...are accountable to God to honor his law and to respect his authority.|||" the government of the United States of America is in no way founded upon the the Christian religion..." the Treaty of Tripoli- Ratified by the US senate June 7, 1797|||The Founding Fathers were not Christian like most assume (for some reason) but could be generally place in the category of Deism. Most of the values that are expressed blanket over almost all the major religions.|||It's all in the handbook.|||Slavery was one.

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