I became a born-again christian 5 years ago. I have been reading a lot about generational curses, and i believe i have a few of them. I know christians go through trials, but i have suffered a life time of struggle with depression fear and anxiety, so did my mother. Do you think that when we get born-again we automatically get delivered, or is deleverance a different thing.|||if you are truly born again why don't you get into the word of god this is where all of your answers are found, just like your depression, the mind is the activator of man's emotion. emotion always follow thoughts. *emotion have no intellect. *emotion cannot discern fact from fantasy. *emotion cannot discern the difference between the past, present, and the future. *you feel something because you think something. if you are depressed your are thinking depressed thought, do not be anxious about anything, but in everthing, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to god. and the peace of god, which transends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus.|||I am absolutely sure this is a commen problem among us christians.. Your answer should be somewhere in the scriptures, read the Bible and pray.. God always takes care of your problems , or helps you with them if it is in His will.. Follow the right path and you wil get blessed.. Hope you get it right! wil pray for you..|||A lot of your 'question' depends on how much of the Holy Spirit you follow presently. To use an analogy, all 'babies' may eat milk at birth; but as they grow some may handle an adult steak at 5, other may wait until their 20's or so.|||You need deliverance and cut off the spirits that are tormenting you ~Start reading the psalms all the way through as you pray and ask God to show you what exactly you need
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