Friday, September 23, 2011

Does Christian meddling in the tradition of marriage lead to the increased divorce rate?

If a young lady falls pregnant, Christians encourage her to marry the father. This leads to unsuited partners who get divorced later. Christians preach "no sex before marriage" but the desire to have sex is pretty strong, so people get married just so they can have sex. This too leads to unsuited partners who get divorced later on. Young people are pressured by their Christian relatives to get married which leads fools rushing in and getting divorced later. In short, Christianity and organized religion is a negative influence on our lives but it's particularly bad when it comes to marriage and other such important life choices, right?|||It would certainly seem so.|||This is a mistaken view of the Christian idea of marriage.

"Our Father does not bind His men by pledges. The distinction being that the bonds of love between God and Man are self-evident and existent. So too, between that man and that woman whose lives are interwoven, whose experiences together are enriching and meaningful."|||with all fairness, one cannot forget where all the problems come from...satan, it's his j-o-b to create situations for us and if we do not recognize these, we're destined to play right into his hands and flail. if we are firmly rooted and have full understanding of God's intentions, Truths %26amp; Promises, satan will flee or flail himself...let's give credit where it's due...satan is working harder and harder at destroying more than ever....can you not see it??? turn on the news or talk shows for some type of evidence...

Happy Sabbath:-)|||Because people like you are sexually illiterate a little help from anywhere should do you a lot of good.But then don't know what sex you are.I think a little meddling would do you good.|||No, the breakdown in the marriage is due to the promotion of self gratification rather than advocating a strong family unit. When the self is sublimated in favor of the 'us' (family), then that allows the family members to feel secure in the knowledge that there is someone who also wants them to be happy, rather then just themselves doing it. The promotion of "safe sex" and promiscuity has also taken its toll on the family. Moreover, the tactic of government supporting families places the man on the outside looking elsewhere for meaning, since the woman has her government to take care of her and her children without a need for a man to do it for them.

The strong focus on the family is one reason to accept Judaism. It works, therefore it is 'worth trying.' Jewish families are very strong. So are Mormon families, by the way. Muslim families are self destructive, in that the men subjugate and marginalize the women, and the women sew mock bomb vests for their children to wear in their community's "Let's Kill Jews" parades.|||Galatians chapter 6 speaks about how we carry our own load (verse 5) and that we reap the consequences of our actions (verse 7). Therefore, there is no excuse to blame external factors when we ourselves are the ones to blame.

On many occasions, I was pressured to date, have pre-marital sex, pursue riches, smoke cigarettes and the like. All of this just to so-call fit in with a particular group. If I decided to have pre-marital sex and developed a disease, who is to blame? the media? My peers in school? Despite those scenarios, at the end of the day, I still have a choice. Strong urges or not, the choice is still ours. Will I? Will I decline?

The media nor the peers can do anything, despite their pressuring, will be defenseless if by our engaging in premarital sex we contact an incurable disease. Will the media or your peers pay for your health and medication not covered by insurance? Will the media and your peers pay for your cigarettes when you cave in to smoke? Will the media and your peers rear the child and pay all of it's expenses as a result of getting an unwed girl pregnant?

Maybe one will think twice before allowing outside factors cloud ones judgment. The very choice you make now does not only affect you, but those who love you and are very close to you. Even if forced to marry one whom one had premarital sex with does not avert the breaking of Jehovah God's moral standards set forth in the scriptures.

The bible book of of Proverbs mentions the importance of guarding our thinking ability. Adam and Eve had a choice of whether or not to eat the forbidden fruit. They were not forced for humans are not robots. We all have free will. But if not properly guided, free will or not, we will be very miserable and regret not making the sound choice.

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