Friday, September 23, 2011

I write Christian lyrics and put vocal melody to them. How can I get my songs published?

I am trying to find a way to start a home business with my songs, but I'm not sure how to get the exposure. I don't know how to play an instrument. I can only write lyrics and put vocal melodies to the lyrics. I have copyrighted 12 of my songs. Now I would like to get them published so that I can present them to Christian artists that are already established in the music industry, so that I can live off of the royalties. I would appreciate any professional advice or opinion.|||I am rather new to the industry, I must admit, but I would suggest just going on different artist's sites that you know and contacting them. A lot of Christian artists have their own website and they have a contact me section. That would be a rather direct approach but it would be a way to get started.

As for a way you can get noticed is you could try going around to churches and see if you can find any bands that are trying to make it and have them play a show at a church or two to get word around, making sure that you get credited for your lyrics. Then some buzz might start to be built on that and you could get heard about by others.

You also could try asking to be advertised on a local Christian radio station. KLOV would be a good one to try as I believe they are nation-wide and I know a ton of people love that station.

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