Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What are the benefits of going to a christian university over a regular one?

I am a christian and a sophomore in high school. I would like to know the advantages and disadvantages of going to a christian college over a regular one. Can anybody help me?|||You can have your brain washed at no additional charge.|||At a Christian school, you will likely be surrounded by people who share your faith in God and your religion.

At a Christian school, you will most likely be required to take religious classes or take part in some sort of school-wide religious activity.

At a secular school, there are many, many different people from different religions that you can learn about and from.

At a secular school, there will likely be some adversity towards you and your religion. Depending on the school, this could be a vocal or nonvocal minority (but people are generally tolerant).

Remember: you are attending college to receive an education. If you think the education you will receive is better at one school than another, go for the better one, regardless of religious affiliation.

Also, sophomore? Just make yourself a huge list of colleges you might want to research. You're fine for now.|||It really depends on your career goals. If your goal after college is to work within a Christian institution like a Christian radio station, journal, or church, then you'll want to go to a Christian university. If you want to work in the regular commercial world, then the advantages depend on which companies recruit at the Christian versus the secular colleges you have in mind.|||Well, I've been to both Christian and public high schools, and my best friend is in a Christian college at the mo while I'm at a public one....so I can help you out. I wont talk about cost since I don't know which one you're looking at. Some state colleges have higher tuition than private ones if you're coming from out of state.


Disadvantages: Depending on the college, they may have stricter rules than a public one. My friend has a 10pm curfew. Also, since she is at a very conservative one, there is a lot of gender bias that drives her nuts. For example, girl's rooms are checked once a week for cleanliness and fined if the room isn't clean enough...while boy's rooms are inspected when they leave for the summer. And when you go to a school that isn't in the state system, your classes may not count if you choose to transfer. My friend wanted to transfer to UGA until she found out she'd loose 30 credit hours.

If you are going into a science field, I'd be careful to choose only well-known, reputable Christian schools. For example, getting a science degree at Bob Jones won't help your career much.

Advantages: The schools are often smaller, which means you get more one-on-one help. Classes also tend to be smaller and you're less likely to get student-teachers for your freshmen classes (or teachers who barely speak English). You also are in a place where most people will agree with your beliefs. Alcohol, sex, and drugs still are present, but aren't as openly obvious.


Disadvantages: It's big, so nobody cares. you're all on your own. It's chaotic too- I chose Health Behavior as a major and got advised for it aannnddd found out later they'd canceled it 6 years ago!

Freshmen classes are large (300+), and freshmen often get the crappy teachers. get used to seeing sex, drugs, and drinking cause its everywhere.

Advantages: You can transfer anywhere in state without loosing hours. You have more freedom and responsibility. Your classes are big so you can even play video games in class!!! (lol) You get to meet people with lots of different beliefs and hopefully learn from them. No curfew. And of course, you can always join a Christian sorority/fraternity or a Christian group if you want.

Good luck|||Well, you get to learn just about everything that you would learn at a secular school only everything has been skewed to favor God.

Unless you take theology and then you can learn about the actual history of the Bible and how it has been edited over time by man.

Also, they will teach you evolution, and then ask you to forget everything you just learned as the Bible is meant to be literally interpreted.

Also, they cost more.|||I go to a Lutheran private school, and I'm an atheist (I got a free ride). Religious schools are generally private schools, and private schools have smaller class sizes, maximizing attention to a particular student.

Also, most Christian schools are not "brainwashing"; the school I go to, Capital U, teaches evolutionary biology, Big Bang, modern science, etc. And you wouldn't even know it was a religious school if there wasn't a giant cross on the campus.|||There are none. Go to a state university instead. You'll get a far better education. And thus a far better job.|||There are some great Christian Universities. Georgetown, Loyola, Gonzaga, Boston College....

see a pattern here?|||An advantage is you'll be around other christians like you

a disadvantage is that you'll be held to a higher standard than others|||Nothing, there's no benefits, you'll just be brainwashed into believing nonsense|||I hear you can get a degree in 3 months in some christian colleges.|||Be sure to watch The Cosby Show!|||i hear science class is really easy.

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