Friday, September 23, 2011

What should a christian husband do if his wife starts listening to gangsta rap against his will?

Gangsta rap is not christian music yet a friend of mine has a wife who is listening to it now. What should he do? He already told her not to.|||Have him get rid of all the music that she is listening to that is offensive. She should be respecting her husband and submitting to him. Obviously she is not or it would not be going on after he told her not to. But be warned, she will probably divorce him for it. He better get his funds in order and prepare for her to leave him. It is unfortunate, but in our liberated equal rights society this is the type of crap we as men have to take for trying to enforce our role as husbands in accordance with God's holy law.

It never pays to listen to the majority. Christians have always been the mistreated and outnumbered.|||More often than not it is the Christian wife that always "turns back" to the thing of the world and rap music is one of those things. If he has kids, and his wife will not listen to him, he should use gangsta rap as a teaching lesson and point forward. Tell his kids, "we are lead by the Spirit" and turning away from the old and the things of this world. Your mother has problems and is disobedient to me, her husband and Christ her spiritual Bridegroom and husband.|||I think what you just said is wrong. Just because her husband told her not to listen to it, doesn't mean she has to listen to him. She is her own person,with rights to live as a human being, she may be his wife but she is not his slave.If she likes the music and he doesn't then he doesn't have to listen to it.maybe she doesn't want to listen to just Christian music day in and day out.maybe she would like a different tune in the house every once in a while, and just because she is listen to gangster rap or whatever other kinds of music doesn't mean she has lost her fate in me personality don't care for gangster rap music I exactly prefer to listen to death heavy metal.|||its NOT EVEN that big of a deal, it iss a bit odd though.

why make it something bigger than it needs to be, as long as she isnt trying to take in the gangster lifestyle, it shouldnt be a problem. the most he should be able to tell her is to please not play it in front of the children, if they have any, or not when he's around. everyone should be entitled to their own taste in their music, movies, books, etc. nowadays people are trying to say EVERYTHING is a sin.

he shouldnt worry about it too much. im sure she doesnt tell him what

he can and cant like.|||he should ask her why she's made the decision to listen to it, and really listen to the answer. he should then explain his concerns, and let her think about it, and make her decision, which she needs to be free to do. Maybe she's just curious, or maybe she's doing it because she doesn't like to be told what to do. If the husband beleives that it is causing serious damage to the relationship, he needs to tell her that. If she does not respond to that, he should ask her to go to couples therapy, and if she refuses, he should go on his own. It's all about bounderies.|||Your friend was totally disrespectful and insulting to his wife. People of true faith know that their convictions are solid no matter what kind of music (or books or movies) they are exposed to.

He should ask his wife to wear an iPod if he doesn't want to hear it and YOU should stay out of their marital dispute.|||Buy her some headphones and hope she doesn't bust a cap in him? Everyone has a choice to make. They chose to get married. Maybe he didn't know her like he thought, or she's chosen a new path without discussing it with him - either way he can love her till death do they part for better or worse or he can bounce once she commits adultery with 50 Cent and then he'll have his scriptural divorce right?|||IMHO, he should listen to it with her for a time. It is full of social commentary, much of it very poignant. There is a lot of injustice in this world, and Christians should be aware of it. Gangsta rappers tell some pretty hard-hitting truth. God bless.|||She needs to see the reality of Hell, Satan and Demons and the pain of thousands and millions of souls in Hell right now screaming etc.

Let her read testimonies of people who have seen hell.

Then she tell her about Jesus and pray with her to experience Jesus and His SPirit|||if it is against her husband's will, he may have lost the fight. Just because he don't like it don't mean she can't like it. It is not my choice of music but who am I to say anything about it. Tell him to be praying instead of complaining. Blessings|||You cannot tell others what to do.

Respect your wife and her tastes; she's probably listening to it becuase she knows you hate it. You can only control yourself!

By the way Christian does not equal insufferable boor. Just saying.|||If he is a real Believer than it is his duty to direct her, spiritually speaking. If he is born again then his light should shine enough for her to know automatically that rap music is garbage by his actions and words.|||Stop being a dictator. She has a free will and is not a slave. I have plenty of friends that listen to music I do not approve of. I am not God, so, who am I to judge them. I ask them not to play it around me.|||A marriage is not to tell someone what to do. Let her make her own decisions. If she knows you dont like it thats prob why she is doing it in the first place. Prob dosent want to be controlled is my guess.|||well, im in the same boat but opposite, my husband listens to that crap. I just tell him i dont want to hear it, so when we are together or im around.. NONE of it. He normally complies.|||Let her listen to whatever she wants, don't be a controlling as$hole. It's up to her what she listens to, it's not up to her husband or anyone else.|||Question her profession.

(Even on a human scale, it's obvious she does not care or respect what her husband thinks).

If he sees her as a non-believer, it will be more understandable.|||He needs to let his wife live. She should respect his wishes to not listen to it when he's around, but he also has to compromise with her.|||Leave the room so he doesn't have to listen to it if he doesn't like it. Its music and she can listen to whatever she wants to.|||tell her to listen to this instead; not only is it catchy, but it might teach her a thing or two鈥?/a>|||Do you think you should tell her what to do? She can make her own choices. He should ask her not to play it when he is around.|||He married a gangsta! LOL

If she wants to listen to gangsta music, might as well treat her in that culture as well.|||Tell him to tell her that he'll leave her if she doesn't stop listening to gangsta rap music.|||If you are really a truth seeker then give up your religion and listen along with her.|||Learn to live with disappointment.|||Tell her she has rather bad taste in music.|||Read scripture and find the answer. Pray to god and see how that works out for you.|||Who gives a shyte was his or your will is. That woman can do whatever she wants. She's not his property.|||She disobeyed??!!!?!??! STONE HER!!!!!|||Give her a big Ol kiss on the face and say ***** you wanna make some muther ******* money!?|||he should let her listen to what she wants and not control what she does, we have freedom for a reason...

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