Isn't the Democratic party basically anti-Christian?
Nazi Pelosi lied when she said what she said about abortion the other day. The Catholic church has ALWAYS said life begins at conception. The only thing they debated was "ensoulment" or the point in which the soul enters the body.|||Yes ,I agree the Democrat party IS anti Christian. They want to remove all things that pertain to God from all the public places in America. They even want to remove "in God we trust" from our money and would have if it were not for us Americans that voiced up against them. The Democrats, including Obama, are in favor of late term abortions and if the baby survives it should not be treated but left to die.
This is what Obama said and we have the tape to prove it.
They are not only anti Christian but anti God.|||I don't understand it either... The major views go entirely against Biblical principles.
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|||Actually through most of its history the Catholic church and most other churches have had no position on abortion. Many early medical text from 3rd and 4th century theologians mention both tools to extract and botanical to induce abortion of fetuses. It was generally accepted that life began at the quickening or that point at which a woman can feel movement from the fetus. That point is generally about 3 months. For most of history churches in general have considered childbirth to be the domain of women and not worthy of their attention. It was only in the 19th century that abortion laws began to appear. The Democratic Party is pro life in the sense that we believe that life for people people between the cradle and the grave should include basics like clean air, water, reasonable wages, and health care. While I would try and talk any woman I knew making a life changing decision about abortion to consider other options such as adoption, I am a Christian and a Democrat. I pray for guidance and understanding for myself and others.|||Unfortunately no political party has a platform in line with Catholic social teaching.
The Catholic Church is pro-life in the widest sense. This is often called a "Consistent Ethic of Life."
This pro-life stance stresses the highest regard for dignity of human life including that of:
鈥?All people in objecting to unjust war and nuclear arms. (closer to Democratic platform)
鈥?The unborn in objecting to to abortion, in vitro fertilization, frozen embryos, embryonic stem cell research, and cloning (closer to Republican platform)
鈥?The elderly, sick and dying in objecting to assisted suicide and euthanasia (closer to Republican platform)
鈥?Prisoners in objecting to the death penalty (closer to Democratic platform)
鈥?The poor and minorities in supporting social justice issues (closer to Democratic platform)
Some Catholics are enthusiastically anti-abortion and align themselves with the Republican party.
Some Catholics align themselves with the Democratic party which supports the "Catholic" issues that effect the most people.
Neither party follows all Catholic teachings.
For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, sections 2259 and following:鈥?/a>
With love in Christ.|||How can you be a Christian and be a Republican?
And support an unjust war of aggression in Iraq?
And support the destruction of the economy of this country by run away deficit spending?
And you are definitely WRONG. Of course "Life" begins at conception. The zygote is a live organism. However it is NOT a person.
The Catholic Chruch had definitely NOT always stated that HUMAN life begins at conception.
How about reading some history and getting your facts straight. In fact the Scholastic Philosophers, as in Thomas Aquinas stated that the soul was definitely NOT in the unborn child until the form of a person was present! This entire idea of HUMAN life beginning at conception is entirely new even in the Catholic Chjurch. In fact not expressed until about the same time that the Church finally stated that slavery was immoral. At the end of the 1800s.|||Most Christians are good people. They love all people not just people republicans ok. The life at conception argument didn't come about until the 80s. Catholics only believed it could become life, so don't destroy it.
I'm a Democrat and probably far more moral than most republicans who allow intolerance, war, suffering and greed for their own gain.|||How can anyone claim to be a Christian and a Republican is beyond me. After all Jesus taught that you had to sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, that only those who became servants of the down trodden could enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and his followers had to preach the coming of the Lord going from town to town, asking nothing in return.
Come to think of it, after having studied the Bible for the last 40 years, I don't see any political party or church organization that really honestly follows the teachings of the Bible, they just pick and choose the items that make themselves look good and screw what Jesus really taught.|||No, the Democratic party is not anti-Christian because of social positions. One can disagree with conservative positions and agree that Jesus died for your sins. One does not logically preclude the other. It's the sort of rhetoric that you're engaging in now that hurts us as a nation, and engenders bitterness toward Christians from non-Christians. Please stop it. You're hurting all of us. |||I'm sure the party of the wealthy (republican) embodies all the teachings of christianity. In particular, that love for thy neighbor part. How reassuring that our moronic president actually represents all those things you hold dear and near.|||So you say Rebublicans who started a war in Iraq without justification and caused the deaths of thousands of people, and caused more than a million to become homeless refugees - you think those Republicans embody Christian principles? If you do, you are beyone hope.|||I see your point. I mostly vote republican. It's kind of frustrating though. The republican party has disappointed us in their promises of Christian values many times and democrats seem to do OK with the economy when they are in office. |||you can be a Christian with low values and low morality and a democrat. Everyone has the right to kill and dishonor nature and to be ignorant of the Creator|||Some register as democrats just to vote in the democrat primaries but they are voting the republican agenda.
Yes the democrat party is anti-Bible.`|||Would that be as opposed to a Christian who supports a Republican President that thinks torturing prisoners while denying them basic constitutional rights is a great thing...|||I am Democratic but I haven't voted in about 20 years. It's not so much as what the party stand for, but the candidates as well.|||I've always wondered that too. Maybe those are the ones who pick %26amp; choose?
Frankie, I read that about Obama (the babies being born alive issue). That sickens me about him more than anything else.|||You do, of course, realize that Jesus was practically Socialist...
Conservatives abandoned Jesus years ago.|||The same way atheists can be republican. |||Read the Gospel of Life by John Paul II, it is loaded with great examples of life being so precious.|||democrats favor human rights, how can you say that isnt Christian?
|||You do this by separating church and state|||Are you saying that Christianity is about mind control, then?|||How can you be a Christian and be involved in politics at all?|||well look at Bush i don't like Republicans
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