Basically some groups get hung up on the Buddhist concepts that some martial arts may have had at one time. Today you will not find much of that anyway so it is not an issue for those that are Christians. I myself am a Christian, but have never had a problem with my training contradicting my beliefs.|||If you need to find out more about Karate check out!
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|||There are several "christian" karate organizations out there just like there is the "Organization of Christian Athletes" some of whose members you see down at the end zone after a professional football game taking a knee for a brief prayer. They stress certain values and behavior in their classes and take time for brief prayer sessions after a class or at a tournament and sometimes start their classes or their tournaments with a brief prayer. I would sometimes encounter a few of them down through the southern bible belt at a regional tournament or even sometimes at a national tournament. Many of the things they stress are not so different than what traditional martial arts stress; it just has more of a religious tie and basis for it and is emphasized as such.|||Karate is Karate. When people use the term Christian karate it is used for marketing. They want to sell you on the fact they there have Christian values or morals. This is the perfect environment for your child to learn martial arts. They would like for you to believe they are more honest than other schools.
As a Christian martial artist that is a minister and pastor, I would not place any more value on a martial arts school that claim to be a Christian karate dojo over one that does not use word Christian.
Neither one is better than the other.|||First off anyone attaching the word "Christian" to their school, system or whatever is only using the Lord to try and entice people into their school since they think it will make them more socially acceptable in terms of attracting students.
Most Christian martial art associations, schools or black belts that I have met in my 31 years of training are very far from actually being Christian. Most of them are members of some religious martial arts group that thinks that you can use martial arts to promote Christianity but in my humble opinion it is just another marketing ploy to get money.
There have been many Christian Karate type of schools in my area over the past 20 or so years and one major association, the Christian Black Belt Association. None of these people who teach or run these schools would ever have passed for black belts in my school, let alone many of the ones that I have trained. Their systems were watered down, hodge podge mixes and quite often they would incorporate some kind of bible study into the classes. The problem is that their technical ability and overall knowledge was very basic.
We used to attend the CBBA Nationals each year in Fort Wayne, Indiana and my black belts would always win their divisions. We were not members of the CBBA and when asked to join I said I had no interest in doing so. They invited us each year but after my school held more national titles in their group than their own schools did they tried to force me to join their association. I refused and we were never asked back again. This never bothered me since I found it odd that out of the people who were on their board claiming 8th to 10th degree black belt two were former felons and everyone in the legitimate martial arts world knew they were self promoted, two others were always out drinking every weekend at a local bar and one of them was a well known pot smoker.
Just because someone attaches Christian to what they do doesn't mean anything except they believe they are better than the real thing. I would never recommend anyone to waste time training at any martial art school that attaches the Lord's name or religion to it. I could go on for hours about this but I think it says enough.|||Pedophilia is the first thing that comes to mind. Getting ripped off is a close second. It's like win the crack fiend wants you to really buy whatever he interrupted your dinner to sell you and he keeps talking about his "testimony".
If someone has to tell you what they believe and you can't tell by the way they conduct themselves, then shame on you for believing them.|||sounds like a way for a greedy Christian to make money. The Christian quote: "But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." does not cut it in Karate.
In fact since it was Jesus who said that, how does a Christian justify doing the opposite?|||They don't have rituals like bowing to the pictures of the masters of the style.
It is considered a pagan practice.
Is "Christ" centered so they teach Christian values along with teaching the art.|||You are not allowed to kick anyone's a$$ unless of course they are non christians.That's usually the bottom line with outfits like that.You explained it yourself when you said "normal " karate.|||the name|||It's probably some kind of Christian, probably youth center that teaches Karate to youths.|||Christian Karate sounds watered down ino some church Sensei or some crap like that|||idk the karate school is probably run by a christian so there shouldn't be any difference.At least I hope it's the same or some one could get hurt in a competition with real fighters.
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