Friday, September 16, 2011

Why does the week on the Christian calendar start on Sunday?

According the Christian religion, God rested on the seventh day. Presumably, that seventh day was Sunday because Christians celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday. Why, then, does the week on the calendar created by the Christians start on Sunday, making Saturday the seventh day?|||What a great observation!!!

However, the calendar has ALWAYS started with Sunday as the first day of the week. Though, they have tried to change the display order of the days of the week on European calendars.

Your assertion that "presumably, that seventh day was Sunday" is incorrect. The seventh day has ALWAYS been what we call Saturday.

Most of Christendom have their day of worship on Sunday because of tradition, not because of Biblical teaching. However, there are some Christians that still observe the Bible Sabbath from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. For example, the Seventh-Day Adventists.

Sunday observance happened as Constantine tried to unite his empire which consisted of Christians and Pagans. The Pagans worshiped the sun on Sunday, and the Christians worshiped the God who created the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them (including the sun) on Sabbath (Saturday).

Constantine enacted laws that required Sunday observance and mandated that people work on the Sabbath. Many Christians compromised their beliefs because of this legislative pressure, and also to distance themselves from the Jews who were being persecuted (the Christians did not want to be mistaken for Jews and be persecuted as such).

When Constantine moved his capital, he gave the church of Rome political power and an army, and the Roman church adopted and kept Sunday observance (and other Pagan traditions).

Then we had the Dark Ages, where Bible truths were suppressed, and it was illegal to even own a Bible. Many people were martyred for translating the Bible into the common language of the people.

Yet there have always been Sabbath keepers throughout history. God has always had His remnant. As we came out of the Dark Ages, suppressed Bible truths came back into the light, such as baptism by immersion, salvation by faith, the state of the dead, the Sabbath, and many others.

Of course, this change from Sabbath to Sunday was prophesied in the Bible, and came true exactly as prophesied.|||Its all part of Church history...

The Seventh Day has always been "Saturday" as English pronounces it...

In over 108 languages "Saturday" is still translated as "Sabbath"

The Changes began the most when the Roman Emperor Constantine Marched 1000 Pagan soldiers through the river and “baptized” them in the name of Christianity. He was attempting to CONVERT them but it didn’t work… The only thing he had now was a bunch of Wet pagans… after this he began to walk through the city of Rome and rename everything… He gave ALL his soldiers Christian names and pronounced them Born again Christians. This all happened in the year 321AD… By the year 362 Rome had officially decided on some of the new changes that were to take place in the new Government of Christ. One of these changes involved the Sabbath… Up until this point almost ALL Christians kept the Seventh-Day Sabbath of God. Without argument it was a known Law to keep… BEFORE the law God created the Sabbath in the Garden of Eden… He Blessed the Sabbath and Sanctified it. Jesus rested on the Sabbath and taught ALL his disciples to do the same. The idea that Sunday is the “Lords Day” is NOT Biblically grounded, and took its true roots HERE in 362 AD. This was the time that Emperor Constantine made it official… Before this time it was said that BOTH SATURDAY AND SUNDAY were held as a beginning to the change by the Church..

The Catholics when questioned about the change do NOT deny it… As a matter of fact they claim it as a MARK of ecclesiastical authority.


This Question is best answered by the CATHOLIC DOCTRINAL CATECHISM 3rd Ed. which states this DIRECTLY

QUESTION: "Have you any other way of proving that the Church has power to institute festivals of precept?

ANSWER: HAD SHE NOT SUCH POWER, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her, she could not have SUBSTITUED the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the Seventh Day, a change for which there is NO scriptural authority." Page 174..|||Actually the traditional Sabbath was Saturday and traditionally that's the day of rest. However, Jesus rose from the grave on Sunday and so using Sunday as the Sabbath gets some traction from that.

the truth though is much more pragmatic than that... originally Jews, Romans and to a lesser degree early Christians (originally that expression was an insult first given to the church in Antioch in modern day Lebanon) felt that Christianty was a sect of Judaism... Christians more accurately felt it was the completion of Judaism... and thus, until persecution was too severe from Judaism, used synagogues as a place of worship. this was often on Sunday to avoid conflict in scheduling.|||The calendar was changes by Julius.

God rested when all the creation was done. we are take one day of rest each week and thank God for all we have. That's is the Sabbath day. It doesn't really matter which day of the week it ended. The calendar has changed 8 times in the past 1200 years.

That Christian calendar starts on a Monday.|||Saturday is the 7th day of the week and was considered the Sabbath day in the Jewish faith. The early Christians observed and worshipped on the Sabbath, but they also began meeting together on the first day of the week, Sunday, calling it The Lord's Day, as this was the day that Jesus rose from the dead.

John 20:19

Acts 20:7

1 Corinthians 16:2|||Its not based on logic, but on historical precedent and tradition. The Jews rest on Saturday, but the Romans worshipped a Sun-god and worshipped Jesus as a Sun god, and so worshipped on Sun-day. When the Jews (or Christians who maintained more of Judaism) pointed out what was happening, the Romans killed them. The Romans didn't like having their authority challenged, and still don't, by the way.|||Saturday is and has always been the seventh day.

Sunday is the first day of the week:

Mar 16:9 Now when [Jesus] was risen early the first [day] of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.|||It's not a Christian calendar. The Roman Catholic Church made Sunday the "new" Sabbath aka the Lord's Day in their Council of Laodicea in 364CE when they stated:

"CHRISTIANS must not judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day, rather honouring the Lord's Day; and, if they can, resting then as Christians. But if any shall be found to be judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ".

Canon 29|||We don't celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday. The Sabbath has nothing to do with it. We set aside a day as the early Christians did , to bring our offerings, our tithes, to the church. .It is also the day we have fellowship and are taught from the word. We sing praises to God and thank him for all he has done for us.

We do as the first Christians did and pick Sunday because it is in memory of the day, our lives we changed forever. Sunday is the day that Christ arose from the dead.

EDITED FOR CHRISTOP: The days are not the same as our days. It is the Jewish day considered from sun up to sun down that we are speaking of here.|||Christians are not following the Jewish Sabbath day on Saturday.

Sunday is the day of the Lord's worship so it is called the day of the Lord because Christ rose from the death on the Sunday morning. So it became for sabbath day for Christians.|||Saturday is the seventh day. Sunday is the first so the calendar is not wrong in this aspect.

Many don't follow the sabbath as commanded by God. We are lead by false teachers and the beast to worship on Sunday, a pagan day just as prophesied...

Good question :)|||according to wiki.. it's celebrated by christians on saturday night.. but since it has been suggested that christianity borrowed traditions/beliefs from other religions (mostly pagan).. sabbath may have been strategically set on sunday since it's the sun's day..|||well, when it comes to the sabbath...the day is friday for people of the jewish faith and culture. during the days of Jesus, even time was different....from Jewish time to roman time. And when the day ended...six pm. for jewish culture. same with the calendar. as rome became an did their ways.

you can prob find more info on googling the history of the calendar.

also know that believers of Jesus, have rest in him now.|||It wasn't created by Christians...we adopted the calendar from the people who invented it. Which was probably the Egyptians.|||the resurrection day.

god rested on the 7th. day.

there is no "evening came or morning came" as what is said about the previous 6 days.

what does that tell you|||It is the belief amongst churchers that sunday is the day christ rose.

Then...he lied.

He said three days and three nights the son of man will be in the earth.

Count em...Monday morning.

Can't even get something simple right can you.

Chris T|||the sabbath is saturday

the real question is why christians do not honor the sabbath as god (supposedly)commanded|||as jews take saturday as rest thy take sunday to be diffrent,,,on old passes thy were consider also saturday as rest day|||I was under the assumption that Sunday was the beginning of the week on every Calendar.|||Saturday is the seventh day. They had to change the day of worship so they could distance themselves from Judaism.

Just like Muslims use Friday. No one wants to share.|||God started on Sunday, rested on Saturday.

Sunday is from "Sun" Monday is from "Moon"|||The Seventh day is actually saturday, but some roman changed it to sunday to coincide with sun worshipers|||Sunday is the first day of the week. Saturday the seventh day.|||The seventy day adventist start on Saturday.|||It doesn't matter what day starts the week ...that's not a matter of importance ...i be more worried about more serious matters|||That was what the pagans were doing when they were first tricked into pseudo-Jewish Christianity.|||its only in America i seen Euro Calendars that have Sunday at the end|||Not all Christians think Sunday is the sabbath. One group's error does not validate another group's claims.|||god created the world in seven days. he started on sunday|||U read way to much into thing...a christian point of view|||Christianity originated from Pagan religions, which practiced sun worship. get it? SUNday.

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