Friday, September 16, 2011

How should a Christian view other religions ?

I have seen many books in Christian bookstores condemning other religions as cults/demonic. How should Christians view temples, mosques etc - as being inhabited by Satan and devils that draws people away from their only true god (Jesus) ? Or should Christians view other religions as equally helpful to people with different faiths ?|||A: Love them and be salt and light to them as the Spirit of God gives ability and words. While Christians cannot endorse or recommend any religious community or institution that does not recognize Jesus Christ as both Lord and Savior... as far as we may the Bible also teaches us to live peaceably with all men.

Romans 12:18 - If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.

Whenever I have nagging questions like these I goto FIJC Ministries website and online chat. They always seem to have scripturally sound advice and answers and they have awesome audio sermons on their website!


Website:|||If you look up the true meaning of "cult" then you will see that even Christians gathering to worship their imaginiary god are also a cult. Any group that meets privately on a regular basis for any reason is a cult. A "cult" did not originally mean devil-worshiping or anything evil, just a private group.

A weekly Boy Scout meeting is a "cult", according to the original definition of the word.

Christians are pathetic, closed-minded losers. They can't accept that most people don't believe in their silly religion and that they might be (actually, they ARE, there is no might about it) WRONG. Their religion and bible are what have destroyed this country, the United States.|||Now a Christian view should be there are just two kinds of people in this world, the saved and the unsaved. As an ambassador of Christ he represents God to the world and he is a witness for the gospel, but God the Holy Spirit is the sovereign Excutive for witnessing. He will bring the oppretunity and open door for the gospel's out reach to the unsaved to believe in the work that Jesus Christ did on the cross.|||I don't believe that you found those at a Christian bookstore.

I think other religions are false. There are many great things in other religions that can teach you about love, peace, and understanding, but none of them will grant you eternal life with God. Jesus is the only person in recorded history to have ever rose from the dead, I think that's something to take into consideration.

There are many other religious faiths and practices that make other people happy and feel that they have a purpose - and they deserve that. They deserve to be happy and feel that they have a purpose through Jesus Christ.

I used to think that the whole Christian afterlife 'system' was wrong and strange, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. I hope that you realize that there are lots of religions out there, but that we should 'enter in through the narrow gate, for wide the gate and broad the way that leads to destruction, and many are they who enter in through it.' Matthew 7:13.

I hope this helps you. God bless! :)|||It depends on the person and what kind of Christian they are. I personally believe that as long as you are not hurting others that you can believe (or not believe) whatever you want. Whatever makes you happy! :)|||Well, I believe that we Christians shouldn't go around insulting other peoples' beliefs, no matter how illogical they might seem to us. But then again, I'm sure that some people from other religions do that to us, too.|||Name just a few of those books you have seen during your obvious frequent visits to Christian bookstores.

I don't believe you.|||A "True" Christian should view other religions with CAUTION !

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